A lot of people think that bettas are very happy and will stay healthier in small containers than they would in larger ones. This is not true. Though they can live in small cups, bigger is better in this instance because bettas need space to get excercise. Also, less space means the cup gets dirty quicker. This excerpt from my previous May post explains why bettas can live in small containers and not die:
Bettas are anabantoids, also sometimes incorrectly labeled anabantids. An anabantoid is a fish with a labyrinth organ, which is a is an organ which lets fish breath surface air, and live in very small spaces. (Wild bettas live/lived in shallow bodies of water, like flooded rice paddies.)
And on the other side of the spectrum, some people think that it is a horrible cruelty to keep bettas in cups, that they are unhappy, and will die. These people buy many cups of bettas from Walmart and Petsmart in the hopes of stopping the cruelty and giving the bettas a better life. Well, obviously we can't tell whether a betta is unhappy in the human sense of the word; and they won't die in small containers. And buying cups and cups of bettas will only make the store owners stock more of them. ;) But as I have said, it is better for them in larger containers and tanks.
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